Saturday, March 23, 2013

Leukorrhea Treatment Tips

Leukorrhea (US) or leukorrhoea (Commonwealth) is actually a medical term that denotes a thick, whitish vaginal discharge. It is a natural defense mechanism that the vagina uses to maintain its chemical balance, as well as to preserve the flexibilty of the vaginal tissue. It may also result from the inflammation or congestion of the vaginal mucosa. In cases where it is yellowish or gives off an odor, a doctor should be get consulted since it could be a sign of an STD.


There are so many causes of leukorrhea, the usual one being increased estrogen. The amount of discharge may actually increase due to vaginal infection or STDs, in which case sometimes it becomes more yellow and foul-smelling; it is generally a non-pathological symptom secondary to inflammatory conditions of vagina or cervix.

Vaginal discharge is normal process for a woman, and all women are different. Causes of change in discharge include infection or malignancy, and hormonal changes. It from time to time occurs before a girl has her first period, and is considered a sign of puberty.

Leukorrhea may occur in general during pregnancy. This is caused just by increased bloodflow to the vagina due to increased estrogen. Female infants may have get leukorrhea for a short time after birth due to their in-uterine exposure to estrogen.

After delivery, leukorrhea in fact accompanied by backache and foul-smelling lochia (post-partum vaginal discharge, containing blood, mucus, and placental tissue) may suggest that the failure of involution (the uterus returning to pre-pregnant size) due to infection.

Home Remedies for Leucorrhoea

Make a paste from the inner part of the mango and apply it in vagina as mango is playing good role in treating leucorrhoea. This is one of the finest available home Remedies for leucorrhoea.

Make a douche from 2-3 tsp fenugreek seeds by boiling it in a 1 lit of water. After it starts boiling, keep it on low flame for about half an hr then filter it and use it. Fenugreek is very much helpful drug to relieve leucorrhoea.

Cook a handful of rice in a half a lit of water in an open pan. When rice is ready don't throw the residue water drink reason this water when it remains that much hot that u can consume. Drink it on adding 1 tsp of sugar. This relieves your leucorrhoea that within a week. This is one of the most common home remedies for leucorrhoea

Make a decoction from the ladyfinger by boiling it of 200 gm in a lit of water, boil it to half. Filter it. Add some sugar to taste and drink 70ml/dose at an interval of 3 hrs. It is an effective home remedy for leucorrhoea.

Prepare a douche from the walnut tree leaves. By boiling it in the water until it remains half. This is of great value in treating leucorrhoea.

Take 1 tsp of Coriander seeds, soak it in the glass of water overnight and drink it in the morning. Continue this for a week. This is helpful for leucorrhoea. This is one of the helpful home remedies for leucorrhoea

Betel nut is also very helpful for leucorrhoea as it cures and prevents its development. So chewing Betel nut after food relieves the whole condition.

Make a douche from the tender Guava leaves. This infusion acts as an astringent and it gives beneficial results.

relieve leucorrhoea. This is one of the very popular home remedies for leucorrhoea

Eat one banana with ghee twice in a day is beneficial to subside the condition of leucorrhoea.

Crush betel nut with the rose petals in sugar, gives good relief from this leucorrhoea.

Take a paste made from the Smilax China powder with milk gives best result in condition of leucorrhoea. This is one of the very famous home remedies for leucorrhoea

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Video Source: Youtube


  1. Hello….!
    Very Useful Post This Is a major problem in women’s life Take Leucorrhoea Treatment With Natural herbs this is the only way to give you result without any side effect .

  2. Hi...!
    I really like this post...
    your tips are good, female health is very importantleucorrhoea treatment is so important with natural herbs and its free from all kind of side effect.

  3. Hi...!
    Very Interesting post……
    This gives so much knowledge to me. I can also suggest very effective natural leucorrhoea treatment for all women.

  4. It’s Nice
    Woman how has facing white discharge causes best natural leucorrhoea treatment It animates the mucous film divider and enhances female.

  5. Hello..!
    Nice post
    If you know about How To Treat You white discharge treatment

  6. Hello! Very Useful Post This Is a major problem in women’s life take leucorrhoea treatment with natural herbs this is the only way to give you result without any side effect.

  7. Nice information. Leucorrhoea is very distressing condition for women. Natural help is always available to treat leucorrhoea like herbal supplement to deliver fast relief.

  8. Leucorrhoea is a problem which most of the women face at some point in their life. It is a situation in which a white colored liquid comes from the vagina which may bad in the smell. Second, the body part efficiency is increased so it does not fall for the symptoms.
    This medicine has provided the best ever herbal leucorrhoea treatment for all women which they can get in the comfort of their home.

  9. Thanks for sharing very useful tips. Apart from it you can try out herbal supplement for leucorrhoea. It is very safe and effective.

  10. Apart from tips, you can use herbal supplement for leucorrhoea. It is very safe and effective to get rid of white discharge.

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