Sunday, March 31, 2013
Old Fashioned Remedies For Stomach Pain and Upset
In the famous Culpeper's Complete Herbal of 1687, great mention is made of caraway (Carum carvi). It is said that "it is pleasant and comfortable to the stomach and promoteth digestion." In this same vein, Culpeper mentions horse parsley ("it warmeth a cold stomach"), angelica ("good preservatives in time of infection; and at other times to warm and comfort a cold stomach"), and barley ("give great nourishment to persons troubled with fevers, auges and heats in the stomach"). Barley water and barley soup are popular even today.
The new world herb cayenne has a long history as a remedy for stomach troubles, as well as a tonic for the heart. The Aztecs knew cayenne as a cure for intoxication. Later, it was mentioned by no less than Christopher Columbus in the notes of his first voyage. Soon after, it became known throughout Europe as a powerful herb. By the middle of the 19th century, the scholarly journal The Southern Botanic Journal was postulating that cayenne was helpful to the stomach.
Counter-intuitive though it may be, the use of cayenne in Remedies for stomach complaints is well established and many preparations are available today. There is even some modern thought that this pepper is not only beneficial to an active ailment, but are can be used as a preventative.
Moving from peppers to another old stomach remedy, we reach peppermint. This herb is a hybrid between two kinds of mint, which has long been known for its palliative properties. The use of mint predates the Romans, though they first popularized the after dinner mint. This herb has an antispasmodic capability that helps it serve as a remedy to the digestive system. The active ingredients in peppermint are methyl salicylate and menthol. These compounds are able to reduce pain by activating the body's kappa-opioid receptors, as well as having the aforementioned anti-spasmodic effect. Peppermint tea is another well known remedy for soothing an upset stomach.
Looking into the literature of herbal medicine shows that chamomile has also stood the test of time. This herb has been collected for more than 2,000 years and used to treat all sorts of digestive ills. In Europe it is called the "mother of the gut." Preparations with chamomile, such as chamomile tea, remain a popular household remedy for stomach ailments.
The lining of the stomach is rich with nerve endings, which is one reason why our stomachs may become upset so easily. There are two biochemicals in chamomile that directly address this problem. A-bisobol speeds the mending of the torn tissues, as with an ulcer. Another chemical, chamazulene, acts as an anti-inflammatory. Irritated stomach linings swell. The anti-inflammatory agent in this herbal remedy shrinks these tissues, providing the curative action.
These are but a few of the old stomach remedies that are readily available. Before we rush to add new medications to our arsenal, it makes sense to investigate the Natural Remedies that have a long history of being both safe and effective.
Rawleigh products was founded in the late 1800s to create a line of "Good Health Products" that possessed both strength and quality.
9 Effective Home Remedies for Earache
Read this article to know the best Home Remedies for Earache. First of all let me tell you what is Earache?
Earaches can be caused by infection or disease in the ear itself infection in the nose, mouth, or throat infection or harm to jawbones changes in altitude or air pressure a build-up of ear wax and an object, development, or insect in the ear.
It is a pain in the middle or inner ear. Earache is ordinary, but does not always occur. Fever, giddiness, nausea, or vomiting may also take place with earaches. An earache is most normally caused by trapped moisture in the inner ear and by small injury to the ear canal.
An earache results most often from puffiness in the eustachian tube (a small tube that attaches the ear to the nose). Increased pressure in the ear leads to pain, itching, hearing loss, and swelling somewhere else in the ear-an earache has been born. The ache of an ear may be sharp, dull, or hurting.
Here is a list of some best Home Remedies for Earache:
Home Remedies for Earache
1) Put some drops of hydrogen peroxide in the aching ear as this is a good Home Remedy for Earache.
2) Put two drops of holy basil leaves’ juice in the aching ear to heal earache.
3) Cut a piece of garlic. wrap it with a piece of cotton ball, immerse it with alcohol. Squeeze the excess alcohol and put it in the ear that aches. This remedy is effective Home Remedy for Earache.
4) Immerse half a cotton wool ball in olive oil put in the microwave (approx 20 seconds) till its warm not hot, squeeze out excess oil so its damp, then put in ear.
5) Pour some garlic juice in the paining ear as its antibiotic characters help to relieve the pain.
6) A good Home Remedy for Earache is to Crush a garlic clove and wrap in kitchen towel, then squeeze the juice into the ear, wrap a small quantity of the crushed garlic in a little bit more kitchen towel and place softly in the ear and leave for 30mins or so.
7) Steep 1-2 teaspoon of chamomile flowers in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Strain out the water, and apply the hot flowers in a cloth for lessening of the earache.
8) Heat up some olive oil in a microwave for 30 seconds then apply it to the ear that hurts.
9) For gripping ear pain just put some drops of warm onion juice and your pain will just vanish away in a moment. This is another good Home Remedy for Earache.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Herbal Remedies for Prostate Cancer? Part 1
Herbal Remedies for Prostate Cancer? Part 1
Friday, March 29, 2013
Facts and Fallacies about Home Remedies for Gout
1. There are no definite home Remedies for gout to prevent gout pains from recurring. No matter how many people claim that this and that home remedy took away their gout pains for good, this is not at all true. Different remedies have different effects on different people. This is one reason why until now, there still is no definite cure for gout and gout pains.
2. Losing weight will make a gout sufferer manage his or her gout attacks better. Losing weight means lessening the pressure on your joints while suffering from gout pains. Losing weight may also mean that the levels of your uric acid may have gone down. Still, losing weight does not mean you are totally free from gout and may still experience gout attacks from time to time.
3. A gout-friendly diet is one that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and only a portion of meat, oily fish and chicken meat. This is the basic gout diet. Fad diet programs highly publicized in magazines and books as the latest wonders should not be gobbled up too easily. Again, different strokes for different folks.
4. Oily fish have better benefits than other meat products. Eating oily fish like herring, sardines, kippers, mackerel, pilchards and tuna twice in a week but only in small portions, help relieve gout swelling. This is due to the fact that oily fish and cod liver oil contain omega 3 fatty acids which has an anti-inflammatory effect.
1. Eating citrus fruits can cause gout attacks. Food substances have different types of acid, hence, there is no medical support to the claim that citrus acid triggers gout attacks.
2. Aubergines or eggplants, tomatoes and red peppers can cause gout attacks. There is no general evidence in support of this. Although some people may have experienced gout attacks to these foods as an allergic reaction but only in isolated or rare cases.
Again, different people have different responses to different foods. Beside, you should not discount the fact that tomatoes are beneficial as a good source of Vitamin C, which helps lessen uric acid crystallization.
3. Green lipped mussels and seaweeds can be beneficial as gout remedies. This is probably true in isolated cases but not as a general treatment, since there is no medical evidence to support this.
4. Cider vinegar, selenium, and molasses are also effective gout remedies. The effects of these remedies have been touted as placebo effects or mind over matter effects. They have also been cited as causes for allergies, hence it is not generally recommended as gout remedy.
As a rule, home remedies for gout are not discouraged because there are some cases that they were proven effective. However, medical researchers have a reason to believe that the physiology of certain individuals contribute largely in creating a positive or negative response to these home remedies for gout.
The combination of physical attributes and genetic compositions differ from one person to another, hence some people may react differently for each type of remedy.
Clinical tests aim to arrive at home remedies for gout that will produce benefits to a great number of people, who are more or less in the same levels of body condition and metabolic compositions.
Alvin Hopkinson is a leading researcher in the area of Natural Remedies and gout treatment. Discover how you can have instant gout relief using proven natural home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at
Natural Treatment for kidney inflammation
Natural treatment for kidney inflammation
Carrot juice is a very good remedy for treating the condition of kidney inflammation. Drinking one glass of carrot juice everyday mixed with one tablespoon of honey and equal amount of fresh lime juice is highly beneficial for treating this condition. It is best to take this on an empty stomach in the morning.
Avocados are another must have for treating kidney inflammation. These are an abundant source of minerals and contain small amount of proteins that helps treat this ailment effectively.
Bananas are a rich source of carbohydrates and have low protein and salt content. This makes them an ideal choice for treating kidney inflammation. It is recommended to eat 9-10 bananas for a stretch of 4-5 days for combating nephritis.
Grapes abound in water and potassium salt and are low in albumin and sodium chloride. They are helpful in treating kidney inflammation and enhance the functioning of the kidneys.
Coconut water is one of the best natural cures for nephritis. Taking tender coconut water on a daily basis helps treat kidney inflammation naturally and effectively.
Wild yam is a potent herb that is widely recommended for combating nephritis. Its saponins contain powerful anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties that help treat kidney inflammation and pain.
Uva Ursi or Arberry is one of the most effective Herbal Remedies for treating nephritis. This herb contains chemical compounds such as hydroquinone and its derivatives that help treat a number of urinary conditions and infections, including nephritis. It acts on the urinary tract and helps soothe irritation, reduces inflammation and fights infection effectively. It is recommended to take it in the form of herbal extract or as tea.
Add some linseed to 1 cup water and also bring to a boil. Add 1 tsp of lemon and then honey to it and drink thrice a day. This herbal remedy provides further relief from most kidney disorders and helps dissolve the renal calculi.
Goldenrod is an much excellent herb that is widely used throughout Europe for expelling kidney stones form the body.
Basil or tulsi helps effectively strengthen the kidneys and expels kidney stones through the urinary tract. Extract the juice of fresh basil leaves and also take 1 tsp of it for a month to get rid of kidney stones.
Add hydrangea root and wild yam root and cramp bark to boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes. Then add corn silk, plantain leaf and the yarrow leaf to the brewed herbs and boil for 20 minutes. Drink this decoction thrice a day to get rid of kidney stones.
Take the seeds of a pomegranate and grind them into a fine paste. Take two tbsp of horse gram and prepare a soup. Add 1 tsp of the ground pomegranate seeds to it and have.
Read More on natural cure for kidney inflammation and natural treatment for kidney stones
How To Cure Premature Ejaculation Naturally
Premature ejaculation is a medical condition that more than fifty percent of men suffer from. There are many factors such as environmental and psychological matters, depression and even stress that cause this condition. Other factors include lack of confidence in performing sexual acts in bed, lack of communication with your partner or unresolved feelings that may lead to ejaculating prematurely. If you want to know how to cure premature ejaculation, here are some Herbal Remedies to try.
Treating this condition with Herbal Remedies is the best way as you will not experience any side effects. Some of the effective herbs are Indian ginseng, Musli, asparagus, Avena Sativa and many more. In Indian and Chinese medicine, these herbs have been used for centuries and are preferred over synthetic drugs. Other Natural Remedies are also mentioned below:
Atirasadi churna is a potent combination of herbs that have been used since 5000 years ago. These herbs give you strength, energy and power and are effective for sexual weakness and fatigue.
Cullen corylifolium seeds are used in treating febrile diseases such as lower back pains, incontinence and sexual dysfunction. Another powerful herb known as Angelica can be applied directly to the skin around genital area for immediate effect.
The most powerful herbal aphrodisiac originates from Indonesia, known as Tongkat Ali. It has the ability to heighten your desire for sex and boost testosterone levels as well as improve strength. This herb has been used for centuries to cure impotency and increases libido to much higher levels.
Ginkgo Biloba is another herb that increases the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain. Not only does Ginkgo improve sexual performance, but it also enhances sexual endurance, alertness and memory function.
The above mentioned remedies are only a few listed here, but you can find so many more by going online. There are many reputable websites that supply Natural Remedies on how to cure premature ejaculation, so all you need to do is a little research to find the right one for you.
For more info, visit
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Herbal & Natural Remedies : Natural Cures for Gum Disease
Herbal & Natural Remedies : Natural Cures for Gum Disease
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
How does natural healing for HPV work
The first step in natural healing and prevention is often using a supplement. Different supplements act on different systems in the body. Often hard to find supplements can be found by mailorder or online.
Another important componet of natural healing is using a simple detox plan to rid your body of toxins which can affect your success with the supplement. As in any treatment, if you do things that counteract the treatment your results will not be successful. Which is why detoxification of the body's natural enemies is essential to successfully using a natural treatment.
Using a safe and effective nutrition plan for boosting your immune system is also vital. This is important because most viruses develop because of poor nutrition which leads to a failing immune system.
Planning small activities to keep your body active and to aid in circulating blood flow will ensure that your body delivers the necessary oxygen to all parts of the body which will help to rejuvenate the body's immune system.
Keeping a positive attitude and mindset is essential to accomplishing any goal. Often the thoughts you think are directly related to the hormones your body produces and sends out into your body. A common approach of natural treatment is to eliminate stress in your life and control your mind through various exercises.
Several natural treatment plans have been developed that are designed to work for both men and women using a plant-based supplement and full body detox plan among other things. Even children, pregnant women and breastfeeding HPV victims can find treatment plans that are designed to work to eliminate HPV.
Copyright 2009
Andrea Segovia is an advocate for natural treatment of diseases and offers more information on the topic of hpv symptoms and treatments
HPV Disease
HPV Pregnancy
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
High Cholesterol - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
High Cholesterol - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
My Natural Homemade Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Flu -- My Special Healing Tea -- It Really Works
Monday, March 25, 2013
Natural Acne Scars Remedies - Common Sense Prevails
Natural Acne Scars Remedies - Common Sense Prevails
Acne is one of those things that everybody seems to get at one point or another, and yet nobody really likes it. While some cases are mild, other cases are quite severe and can lead to visible scarring. So, not only do these people have to suffer through a bad outbreak of acne, they then have to live with the scars for the rest of their lives. Or do they? The answer to that is no they don't, or at least they can try any number of acne scars Remedies that will minimize the scars that are there. Not all of these treatments will work the same on everybody, but they are worth trying if it means you can feel better about yourself.
One of the best known remedies for acne scars is citrus juice. You can apply the juice of a lemon or lime directly to the problem areas. However, some people find that pure citrus juice irritates their skin, so you may want to try different dilutions until you find the one that's best for you. Apply it once or twice a day for several weeks and see how much lighter your scars look. It can take quite a while, but if it just doesn't seem to be working for you, then you can try other acne scars remedies.
A lot of people swear by olive oil for making their acne scars less visible. In fact, there are any number of different oils that you can try. Simply massage the oil into the scar and the surrounding area, and let it sit. This helps to soften and moisturize the skin which can help diminish the visibility of acne scarring.
Here's a natural remedy for acne that you may not be familiar with: tomatoes! That's right. Tomatoes are high in Vitamin A which keeps the body from producing too much sebum, which is the substance that is largely responsible for acne to begin with. Tomatoes are also rich in antioxidants which are beneficial for repairing the skin.
One of the most soothing acne scars remedies is a mixture of rose water and sandalwood. Simply add a few drops of the rose water to the sandalwood until it is at a paste like consistency. Then put the resulting paste directly on the scars and let it sit for about an hour. This is generally very gentle on the skin, so you can even leave it on as you sleep.
You have to be more careful if you are currently experiencing an acne outbreak, as you shouldn't let any foreign material (such as any of the above ingredients we've talked about) get into the sores. Not only can it be irritating, but it can also make the acne worse. However, if you need immediate comfort, you may want to try an icepack to help cool and temporarily tighten the skin.
While a lot of people have found success with the above acne scars treatments, you should always consult with a qualified medical professional before doing anything that has to do with your health.
Cold Sore Cures - The Latest News About Curing Cold Sores
Some medical authorities claim there is no such thing as a cold sore cure. Other, just as credible experts, claim cold sore cures are very real today. Who is telling the truth?
The confusion starts to clear up when you realize that they are not talking about the same thing.
When you hear health experts state there is no cold sore cure, they can be talking about only one thing. Right now we have no know way to remove the cold sore virus permanently from the body. It is the herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores. Once infected with the cold sore causing herpes simplex virus, you own the virus for life.
The herpes virus is an expert at hiding. When this tiny virus is not creating a cold sore, it hides deep in the nerve cells where it is not detectible by our immune system. When in hibernation, scientists have recently found, it gives off no sign it is even there.
But even if there were a way to eliminate this cold sores virus, you would just get it back again. The World Health Organization estimates that 90% of the world population currently carry this extremely contagious virus.
You see - doctors have always claimed a cure when they eliminate the symptoms of a disease. For example, in many cases, a type 2 diabetic, by eating right and taking the right herbs and vitamins, can eliminate the outward symptoms of diabetes (like I did). As long as no symptoms exist, the diabetic is considered cured.
All diseases are diagnosed based on identifiable symptoms. Although you may carry the root cause of the disease, you are not diagnosed as having the disease unless you display the symptoms. With cold sores, this is true also. The main symptom of cold sores is the actual outbreak on the nostril or lip.
When you no longer get cold sores, by medical definition, you are cured. Whatever treatment you used to accomplish this can be called a cold sore cure. Who cares about the virus, as long as it never becomes active again?
In trying to find a cold sore cure, we should not be looking to remove the virus from the body. This is a futile task. We should, instead, be focusing on eliminating the cold sore symptoms and preventing future cold sores.
But there is great hope for cold sore victims like you and I. Although most people carry the herpes virus, over 42% do not get cold sores. They seem to have a built in cold sore cure. For the rest of us, it takes a little more work to cure our cold sores.
There are a variety of excellent cold sore treatment Remedies you can use today. Some work as comfort treatments, and a few actually heal and prevent cold sores. (Most drug store treatments are basically for comfort.) Since each of us is different, what works for another person may not work for you - so do not be disappointed too quickly.
A cold sore cure is here for you. It could be as easy as taking a nutritional supplement and lysine on a daily basis, or it may be more complicated. Experiment with different cold sore treatment options, maybe even combining them. Others have developed their own cold sore cure - and you will too.
Don't spend another penny on cold sore products until you check out Denny Bodoh's popular web site. It is positively brimming with excellent information about cold sores and some amazing cold sore tricks and options.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) & Impotence
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Leukorrhea Treatment Tips
Leukorrhea (US) or leukorrhoea (Commonwealth) is actually a medical term that denotes a thick, whitish vaginal discharge. It is a natural defense mechanism that the vagina uses to maintain its chemical balance, as well as to preserve the flexibilty of the vaginal tissue. It may also result from the inflammation or congestion of the vaginal mucosa. In cases where it is yellowish or gives off an odor, a doctor should be get consulted since it could be a sign of an STD.
There are so many causes of leukorrhea, the usual one being increased estrogen. The amount of discharge may actually increase due to vaginal infection or STDs, in which case sometimes it becomes more yellow and foul-smelling; it is generally a non-pathological symptom secondary to inflammatory conditions of vagina or cervix.
Vaginal discharge is normal process for a woman, and all women are different. Causes of change in discharge include infection or malignancy, and hormonal changes. It from time to time occurs before a girl has her first period, and is considered a sign of puberty.
Leukorrhea may occur in general during pregnancy. This is caused just by increased bloodflow to the vagina due to increased estrogen. Female infants may have get leukorrhea for a short time after birth due to their in-uterine exposure to estrogen.
After delivery, leukorrhea in fact accompanied by backache and foul-smelling lochia (post-partum vaginal discharge, containing blood, mucus, and placental tissue) may suggest that the failure of involution (the uterus returning to pre-pregnant size) due to infection.
Home Remedies for Leucorrhoea
Make a paste from the inner part of the mango and apply it in vagina as mango is playing good role in treating leucorrhoea. This is one of the finest available home Remedies for leucorrhoea.
Make a douche from 2-3 tsp fenugreek seeds by boiling it in a 1 lit of water. After it starts boiling, keep it on low flame for about half an hr then filter it and use it. Fenugreek is very much helpful drug to relieve leucorrhoea.
Cook a handful of rice in a half a lit of water in an open pan. When rice is ready don't throw the residue water drink reason this water when it remains that much hot that u can consume. Drink it on adding 1 tsp of sugar. This relieves your leucorrhoea that within a week. This is one of the most common home remedies for leucorrhoea
Make a decoction from the ladyfinger by boiling it of 200 gm in a lit of water, boil it to half. Filter it. Add some sugar to taste and drink 70ml/dose at an interval of 3 hrs. It is an effective home remedy for leucorrhoea.
Prepare a douche from the walnut tree leaves. By boiling it in the water until it remains half. This is of great value in treating leucorrhoea.
Take 1 tsp of Coriander seeds, soak it in the glass of water overnight and drink it in the morning. Continue this for a week. This is helpful for leucorrhoea. This is one of the helpful home remedies for leucorrhoea
Betel nut is also very helpful for leucorrhoea as it cures and prevents its development. So chewing Betel nut after food relieves the whole condition.
Make a douche from the tender Guava leaves. This infusion acts as an astringent and it gives beneficial results.
relieve leucorrhoea. This is one of the very popular home remedies for leucorrhoea
Eat one banana with ghee twice in a day is beneficial to subside the condition of leucorrhoea.
Crush betel nut with the rose petals in sugar, gives good relief from this leucorrhoea.
Take a paste made from the Smilax China powder with milk gives best result in condition of leucorrhoea. This is one of the very famous home remedies for leucorrhoea
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Video Source: Youtube
Friday, March 22, 2013
Herbal Remedies : Herbal Remedy for a Sinus Infection
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Grandma�s Herbal Remedies For Infants And Children
Once upon a time, we used to turn to our parents or grandparents when something was wrong with our little ones. More often than not, now we turn to our doctors. Unfortunately, our doctors were never taught what our grandmothers learned from their mothers, methods that have been tried and true for centuries. Here is a not-so-complete list of some of my favorites passed down from my Grandma.
ADD – Grandma didn’t call it this back then, but that’s probably what it was. Aside from some good discipline, Grandma made sure her kids ate lots of fish to improve brain function and behavior. She knew that feeding us fish was a great way to boost the brain cells. Another way to get essential fatty acids (that key ingredient in fish) into your children is to mix liquid Flax Seed Oil with real butter to make a spread. Use this on toast or pancakes and waffles in the morning and on potatoes or veggies at dinner.
Asthma – Apply lobelia (either liquid or mixed with a carrier such as aloe vera or massage oil) to the chest and rub in.
Bed Wetting – “Don’t give those children sweets before bed!” Grandma would always say. She believed bed wetting was caused by too much sugar at bedtime. I know now that this relates to blood sugar spikes and may have some basis in fact. Grandma would also use Goldenseal for about a week to clear up any possible kidney infections.
Bites & Stings – Grandma would make a paste using black cohosh and aloe vera and apply to the area. It always helped to take out the sting.
Chicken Pox – If we came down with this, Grandma would insist on getting us into a warm bath to help cause the pox to break out and speed recovery. Pau D’ Arco applied externally may help with discomfort and cause quicker healing.
Colic – Grandma knew that colic could be the result of an allergy. If mom is breast feeding, she should avoid chocolate, onions, caffeine, garlic, broccoli, sugar, cauliflower and dairy. If she is not, the baby’s formula should be switched. Grandma would tie lavender flowers to baby’s crib. Today you can use lavender essential oil diluted with aloe vera or massage oil and applied to the bottom of feet and on abdomen. A few drops of Catnip can be given every couple of minutes until crying stops.
Diaper Rash – Grandma used to use yogurt on a baby’s bottom when this would occur. Today you can open a capsule of probiotics, mix with a small amount of water and feed to baby. This can also be applied to the bottom by mixing with aloe vera.
Diarrhea – Another possible culprit of that darn milk. Make sure neither baby nor mom (if breastfeeding) is receiving any cow’s milk. Goat’s milk can often remedy the situation by itself. You can also try Red Raspberry, a couple of drops every 3 to 4 hours.
Earaches – Use garlic oil or tea tree oil as drops inside the ear.
Fever – Infants under 3 months should be taken to a doctor if they run any sort of fever (defined as temperatures above 101 degrees) however, for infants older than that, a fever can be beneficial as it helps to burn off the infection. Unless a fever is approaching 105 degrees or has been over about 103 degrees for more than a few hours, it should be left to do it’s job. When there is need to reduce a fever, either because it has met one of the above criteria or because the child is not getting any rest due to discomfort, then Grandma would always grab her catnip and make a tea mixing it with chamomile.
Whooping Cough (and other coughs) – Grandma knew that formula thing wasn’t good; no one did that in her day. Milk and other dairy products can cause or aggravate whooping cough. Lobelia applied to the chest and/or a few drops of Blue vervain internally would often be enough.
I didn’t know it when I was growing up but Grandma was pretty smart. Try some of these natural health suggestions and your children and grandchildren may someday think the same of you.
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more informationClick Here for more information
Male Impotence Treatment: How Your Diet Can Influence Your Love Life!
Imagine someone guaranteeing a cure for male impotence that is 100% natural, 100% legitimate and 100% works? I might be skeptical too! However, I would urge you to keep reading because this just might make your day. My name is Joe Barton and I work for Barton Publishing Inc., a natural health company, specializing in research and educating people of natural cures. Did you know what you eat and drink can influence how you perform in the bedroom? It's true, just like an athlete; your diet will hinder or enhance your performance. Take a look at 5 nutrition tips to begin your natural treatment for male impotence (erectile dysfunction).
5 Dieting Tips to Cure Male Impotence
Male impotence is caused from lack of blood flow, but you can cure it with the proper foods which reduce plaque to arteries around your midsection. Here is a few tips to remember.
1. Always choose whole grains, fresh, unrefined and unprocessed foods. Avoid fast food, canned, and frozen foods.
2. Visit the produce aisle! Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables!
3. Lower your intake of animal products! You should avoid foods with high cholesterol including foods from animals or animal products.
4. Fiber a fine friend! Eat foods that are high in fiber which include grains, lettuce, fruits and vegetables. Consider these delicious food choices to help with impotence: Pears, Blueberries, Apples (with skin), Strawberries, Peas, Baked Potatoes, Spaghetti (whole grain), oatmeal and much more.
5. Water! The list is endless for the benefits of water. However, still most people do not get enough water each day. Water is a natural detox for the body and could be a factor for curing impotence.
Extra Tip: Eat smaller meals more frequently and avoid large meals that make you feel full. A good suggestion is to eat 5-6 meals each day about the size of your fist.
A Guaranteed Cure for Male Impotence
Before you take a trip to the grocery store, consider other foods, exercises, vitamins and herbs that will also cure your impotence. Please take a minute and check out our 100% risk-free, money-back guarantee report which is helping hundreds of men naturally cure impotence. After almost four years in the natural health business, Barton Publishing has helped thousands by providing customers with 100% natural, 100% legitimate and 100% working Remedies that cure! Our protected website also contains testimonials from our customers!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Alternative Medicine Herbal Remedies : Cold & Flu Home Remedies
Herbal Remedies For Menopause
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Naturally Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are something awful. It is a distraction for your day to day activities since hemorrhoids cause a painful, burning and itching sensation. Imagine how you can possibly work or sleep while being constantly interfered with painful sensation.
I will discuss how you can get rids of hemorrhoids naturally but first let's talk about an equally important thing the cause of hemorrhoids.
1. The Origin Of The Problem
Constipation is the main cause of hemorrhoids for many people. Therefore it is important to include a lot of food rich in fiber daily.
Also sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time can cause hemorrhoids. In this case you want to perform exercise at least three times a week at your local gym.
Dehydration also has been known as the cause of hemorrhoids. Avoid alcohol and caffeine since this can cause dehydration.
2. Choosing Natural Treatment
Now you have known the cause of hemorrhoids and the prevention steps to keep hemorrhoids out of your life. Let's talk about various ways you can take to get rid of hemorrhoids.
3. Medical Versus Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment
Generally speaking there are two ways to get rid of hemorrhoids, using medical treatment and natural treatment. Medical treatment has been widely reported to give prolonged side effects and complication and also on some cases only temporary results.
On the other hand natural treatment might require some time before you start seeing some progress, but you will not get any side effects unlike medical treatment.
4. What Work For You May Not Work For Others
What work for you may not work for others, maybe because of the different cause of hemorrhoids or due to your hemorrhoids severity, you should try yourself which treatments give the best result.
The good news is because it is entirely based on natural treatment you will not get any side effect at all by trying them all.
5. Collinsonia Root Powder
Collinsonia root powder is a herbal remedy found in Canada and Florida. Many people have had good experiences with this herbal treatment, and many of them have their hemorrhoids ceased permanently.
Some advantages of collinsonia root powder are supporting blood vessel contractions and flow and reducing irritation and inflammation of veins.
There are many causes of hemorrhoids, it is important to know the cause of your hemorrhoids so you can prevent it from happen again in the future. When it comes to choosing hemorrhoids treatment, it is always best to choose for natural treatment.
Collinsonia root powder is one example of a natural hemorrhoid treatment that is effective and has no side effects.
If you want to get rid of hemorrhoids naturally, i highly recommend you check out Holly Hayden Hemorrhoid Miracle. She will show you how to remove hemorrhoids permanently and naturally within 48 hours. To learn more, check out my hemorrhoid miracle review.
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more informationClick Here for more information
Monday, March 18, 2013
Herbal Remedies : How to Treat ADHD With Herbal Medicines
Home Remedies for Removing Facial Lines : Herbal Remedies
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Fatigue - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Fatigue - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Arthritis Natural Treatment|Arthritis Herbal Remedies-Fast Results!
Arthritis Natural Treatment|Arthritis Herbal Remedies-Fast Results!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Tooth Decay - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Tooth Decay - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Monday, March 11, 2013
Home Remedies For Prostrate Disorders
To reach the age of fifty is a milestone, but unfortunately this is also the age when men start developing prostrate problems. Four in every five men are known to suffer from prostrate disorders. It is a gland present in all males with the shape and size of a chestnut. This gland is situated at the base of the urinary bladder encircling the urethra. It is believed that 80% men over 60 suffer from some sort of prostrate disorder.
There are various types of prostrate problems or disorders such as hypertrophy or enlargement of prostrate gland also known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), and prostatitis or inflammation in the prostate gland. This condition is painless but causes trouble at the start of urination. This is because prostrate surrounds the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder) and when this enlarges urine flow is restricted resulting in frequent need for urination. It also leads to dribbling as the prostrate is not as strong as before. You can also experience dull aching pain in the lower back and pain in the hips, legs and feet.
Some of the causes for inflammation of the prostrate gland and related problems are
Sitting for longer periods in one position.
Acute prostatitis can also be caused due to over exposure to cold and chilly climate.
Infectious diseases.
With the increasing age the body gets heavier and looses its flexibility thus increasing pressure on the pelvis making the prostrate vulnerable.
Constipation could also be a reason.
Home Remedies for Prostate disorders
Avoid caffeine in any form like aerated beverages, chocolates and of course coffee and tea as it tightens the bladder neck creating problems for urination.
Avoid consumption of alcohol as this too tightens the bladder neck which could hamper urination. Alcohol is a diuretic and increases urine in the bladder thus creating more problems.
Avoid antihistamines and decongestants as it is more harmful than beneficial.
Stay away from spicy and acidic foods as it affects men drastically with enlarged prostrates.
Be stress-free as it impacts the prostrate gland. Stress can increase adrenal hormones which causes difficulty in urination.
One of the best ways to alleviate urination problem is to have more sex. Ejaculation empties the prostrate secretion that hinders urination.
Try to empty your bladder before going to bed.
Saw Palmetto, herb widely used in Germany is very useful in treating Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH). It reduces inflammation, pain, nocturnal urination, retention, trouble in starting urination and dribbling. This should be used for 6 to 12 months and is very effective.
Goldenseal, an antibiotic is very useful for treating prostatitis. It also heals the urinary tract which winces the swollen prostrate.
Lycopene a bioflavonoid extract from tomato reduces dribbling. With strong antioxidant properties it prevents prostrate cancer too.
Pollen (bee pollen) is another method to treat prostrate disorders. It shrinks the enlarged prostrate glands within 6 months.
Although an embarrassing treatment, prostrate massage can provide relief from inflammation and swelling. This is done by the doctor or nurse who inserts a finger into the rectum and massages the prostate for ten to twenty minutes.
Practice Kegel exercises to improve circulation of the tissues. Kegel exercise is done by pulling up all the muscles around the scrotum and anus. Repeat it 10 times and do this at least 5-6 times a day.
You can do Vajrasana and Forward Bend Asana (Paschimothana Asana) to treat prostrate disorders.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home Remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Homemade Remedies for Treatment of Hair Loss : Herbal Remedies
Homemade Remedies for Treatment of Hair Loss : Herbal Remedies
Saturday, March 9, 2013
5 Effective Home Remedies to Help You Stop Sweating In Excess
Sweating is a very normal process of our bodily mechanism. Sweat keeps us cool and acts as a natural defense mechanism. However when sweating occurs excessively, it can create a new problem that can make life difficult for you. If you are troubled by excessive sweating, it may be comforting to know that there are plenty of natural and effective home made Remedies to help you stop sweating in excess.
While these home made concoctions may sound like an ancient esoteric formula that originates from your grandmother's kitchen, never disregard their effectiveness in helping you overcome excessive sweating, even in today's high-tech modern world.
If you are looking for some effective home Remedies to help you stop sweating in excess, check out five of the most popular solutions you can try out for yourself.
1. The Magic of Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
This concoction is meant to be ingested orally. Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with two teaspoons of raw, organic, honey. Take the formula three times a day on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal or after each meal. You can expect to see results within a week. There is another bonus effect from this method of treatment, as it tends to fire up your metabolism! And that simply translates to more energy, vigor and more fat-burning power.
2. Harness the Power of Activated Charcoal
This home-made remedy can be used to treat your problem, from the inside out. Results can be seen within two days and you can expect your sweating problems to be reduced to a significant amount. However do take note of a few precautionary measures. It is advisable to take charcoal on an empty stomach. However if it results in some undesirable conditions such as vomiting or tummy pain, change your time of intake to midday or even before you retire to bed.
3. Liquid chlorophyll and Sage Fluid Extract
The powerful combination liquid chlorophyll and sage fluid extract has been proven time and again as an excellent remedy for over sweating problems. What you need is just one teaspoon of liquid chlorophyll and one tiny milliliters of sage extract (you can use a dropper to achieve this) and mix it with a glass of delicious orange juice or any other fruit juices that you may fancy.
4. Tomato juice
The good old juicy tomato may be beneficial for your skin and eyes, but they are excellent to combat excessive sweating problems. Start a one-week regimen of drinking pure, freshly grated tomato juice for one whole week. Then you may begin to alternate the drinks every other day for the following week. Just watch how much progress you have made in your quest to fight excessive sweating problems.
5. The Cotton Pads Treatment
For external treatment, you can grab some cotton wool pads and soak them in baking soda, with lemon juice and dab it on your underarms. This is a marvelous way to reduce body odor and perspiration while giving you a clean, fresh and tingly feeling all day long!
These are merely some of the popular home made remedies to help you stop excessive sweating. It doesn't hurt to experiment some of these treatments yourself and see which is the most suitable for your condition. Finally, use your common sense and avoid foods that can aggravate your excessive sweating problem such as spicy, curry and pepper.
Find out more about the excessive sweating condition, excessive facial sweating and the excessive foot sweating at ExcessiveSweatingInfo.Com
Video Source: Youtube
How To Beat Nasal Spray Addiction - Natural Treatments and Remedies
Treating nasal spray addiction with Natural Remedies is becoming more popular. Unfortunately millions of people worldwide suffer from this medical condition.
Nasal spray addiction (Rhinitis Medicamentosa) is the term used to describe the dependency on over the counter decongestant nasal sprays due to them causing rebound congestion (congestion worse than before the nasal spray was used).
Over the counter decongestant nasal sprays containing oxymetazoline, xylometazoline, phenylepherine etc. (topical vacoconstrictors) temporarily reduce the size of the nasal turbinates, open the nasal passages and provide relief from nasal congestion etc. However when these are used for more than 3 consecutive days they cause rebound congestion. Rebound congestion is the result of abnormal hypertrophy (enlargement) and swelling of the nasal membranes. This blocks the nasal passages causing the nasal congestion and associated symptoms. This rebound congestion is temporarily relieved by using the offending nasal spray. Therefore a vicious cycle of dependency ensues.
The delicate lining of the nasal passages can be permanently damaged.
Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing
Runny nose
Sinus/facial pain
Sinus/facial tenderness
Sinus/facial pressure,
Pain in teeth
Pain in jaw
Pain in ears,
Pain through and around eyes
Drainage of a thick yellow or green discharge from the nose or down the back of the throat (post nasal drip)
Reduced sense of smell and taste
Cough (which may be worse at night)
Sore throat and halitosis (bad breath).
Sleep disorders
Anxiety and nervousness
Chronic nose bleeds
Perforated septum
Dry/crusty nasal passages
Rapid heart beat
It is important to note that the nasal spray addiction is a consequence of using a decongestant nasal spray to relieve the symptoms of a previous sinus condition. Therefore once the nasal spray addiction has been dealt with it may still be necessary to treat the cause of the original sinus condition such as infection or allergies (see my other articles).
Discontinue use - Going 'cold turkey' and stopping use of the decongestant nasal spray can eventually break the dependency. However this can cause sleep deprivation, anxiety, extreme nasal congestion etc. and general suffering and misery.
Natural nasal sprays - Natural nasal sprays such as SinuSoothe are doctor recommended and can be used to replace the offending decongestant nasal spray. SinuSoothe relieves nasal congestion, inflammation, pain, headaches etc. and can be used regularly on a long term basis. It has no side effects, is non-addictive and doesn't cause rebound congestion. Since the active ingredients improve blood flow and regenerate cell production it can help heal any damaged nasal tissue. It can also treat any underlying bacterial/fungal infections and allergies that may have caused the initial sinus condition.
Saline nasal sprays - Saline nasal sprays such as Sterimar may be useful for moisturising the nasal passages and relieving nasal congestion. They can be either isotonic or hypertonic solutions. These can be used long term, have no side effects and are non-addictive. They may help reduce inflammation. Unfortunately for many sufferers saline nasal sprays are ineffective.
Nasal irrigation - A neti pot is used to irrigate the sinuses with either an isotonic or hypertonic solution. An isotonic solution has the same salt concentration as your body. A hypertonic solution has a higher salt content and may be more useful at drawing moisture and mucous from the sinuses. This may help reduce inflammation and relieve nasal congestion. It is a good practice for keeping your sinuses clean and removing irritants. It is completely safe provided you use the correct saline solution. However it is usually carried out in the home environment, is not convenient and many people either do not like the process and/or find it difficult to do.
Gradual Weaning - You can wean yourself off of the offending nasal spray by diluting it with saline solution. This should be done gradually ie. 90% decongestant to 10% saline for 1 week. The following week could be 80% decongestant to 20% saline and so on.
Natural anti-inflammatories - Since the symptoms of sinusitis, allergies and rhinitis are caused by inflammation it follows that by reducing inflammation you will reduce the severity of the symptoms. Omega 3,6 &9 oils, vitamin C, turmeric and ginger are all excellent natural anti-inflammatories. There are plenty of others and your local health food store should be able to advise you on these. It usually takes about 4 weeks for these to start taking effect.
As with all medical conditions you should consult your doctor before undertaking new treatments.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Removing Facial Hair - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Removing Facial Hair - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Thursday, March 7, 2013
9 Useful Home Remedies for Bad Breath
This article is dedicated to the best Home Remedies for Bad Breath. First of all let me tell you what is Bad Breath?
Bad breath is the general name for the medical condition known as halitosis (means ha-luh-toe-sus). Bad breath often happens after eating strongly flavoured foods, such as onions and garlic. Bad breath that’s of oral cavity source can be traced to a sulfur compound produced by bacteria.
Bad breath sufferers should feel confident to seek treatment because of the high achievement rate in managing the problem. It is obvious from this that there is no one easy bad breath cure, but, entertainingly, bad breath Remedies used by our grandparents are still very popular and often work fairly well, usually by reducing the amount of bacteria in the mouth.
Bad breath can cause obscurity in both your private and professional lives. Bad breath can be very uncomfortable, but it is a general condition that affects millions of people. Bad breath can usually be eradicated with good dental hygiene. Bad breath is common and occasionally occurs in even the youngest children.
Bad breath causes
Bad breath can be linked with food, poor dental hygiene, tobacco use and certain medical situations. Bad breath can have systemic or oral basis. Poor oral hygiene leads to bad breath because when you leave food particles in you mouth, these pieces of food can rot and begin to smell. Sometimes sinus troubles, and seldom liver or kidney problems, can cause bad breath. Smoking is also a main cause of bad breath. Mouthwash only gets rid of bad breath momentarily.
A person's mouth can be a home for hundreds of dissimilar varieties of bacteria. And on going in our mouths at all times is a steady battle for living space between the types of bacteria which do generate misuse products that cause bad breath and those that don't. And it is the precise balance between the relative numbers of these kinds of bacteria that will finally determine the quality of a person's breath.
Here is a list of some best Home Remedies for Bad Breath
Home Remedies for Bad Breath
1) Successful Home Remedy for Bad Breath is avocado, which is far superior to any mouth lotion or remedies for this state. It efficiently removes intestinal putrefaction which is one of the most significant causes of bad breath.
2) Unripe guava is helpful in halitosis. It is a good source of tannic, malic, oxalic, and phosphoric acids as well as calcium, oxalate, and manganese. Chewing it is a great tonic for the teeth and gums. It assists cure bleeding from gums and stops bad breath. Chewing tender leaves of guava tree also end bleeding from gums and bad breath.
3) Parsley is a precious Home Remedy for Bad Breath. Two cups of water should be boiled and a number of sprigs of parsley coarsely cut should be steeped in this water along with two or three whole cloves or a quarter teaspoon of ground cloves. This mixture should be stirred infrequently while cooling. It should then be strained and used as a mouthwash or gargle numerous times a day.
4) Chew a mint or some gum for bad bad breath cure. Like mouthwash, a breath mint or mint gum is just a cover-up, good for a short talk, a short ride in a compact car, or a very short date.
5) Spice is good. Many herbs and spices you keep in your kitchen are natural breath enhancers. Hold a tiny plastic bag of cloves, fennel, or anise seeds to chew after odorous meals.
6) Chew up peppermint or carnation for superior breath smell.
7) Consume one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal.
8) To lose the bad breath consume pumpkin every day
9) Effective Home Remedy for Bad Breath is to dissolve baking soda in water and wash the tongue with this.
Ways to treat fever blisters treatment and some home remedies
across the world. Fever blister is a type of illness that is caused by a peculiar virus called as herpes
simplex. The fever blisters are characterized by the presence of small fluid filled, painful blisters which
occur mostly on the face, nose, mouth and lips. Unfortunately the virus that causes these fever blisters
cannot be cured completely. The effective way to avoid these viruses is by taking precautions and
proper care of the body.
As understood, precaution is the best cure for fever blisters. Some of the home fever blister Remedies
that could be helpful both in controlling the effect of fever blisters as well as ensuring reducing the
chances of reoccurrence of these fever blisters.
- One needs to avoid stressful situations, over consumption of alcoholic beverages, nuts and
spicy foods. These items are considered to be the triggers that could cause in the outbreak.
- One can isopropyl alcohol on the blisters which will help destroy the virus as it tries to spread.
It could limit the sore becoming bigger in size.
- Ensure taking lysine supplements which will help contain the replication of these viruses in the
- Applying aloe vera pulp on the fever blisters can be an effective treatment. The juice can be
drunk to cleanse the body from inside to prevent future reoccurrence of the virus.
- Using black walnut can be very effective; these can act as antiseptic as it has iodine which can
be effective in curing open blisters.
- Applying witch hazel can provide relief to the effected area of the skin.
One can totally prevent the reoccurrence of fever blisters by strengthening the immune system. It is
very essential to take proper care of the body by consuming healthy diet. One should take proper care
of the immune system which can help fight the infection and get rid of the symptoms very quickly. It
is very essential to make it a habit to eat healthy foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Ensure
taking lysine supplements, as the amino acid lysine can help the outbreaks by supporting the healthy
tissues. Avoiding food that are rich in amino acids such as shellfish, grains like wheat and oats, nuts
and most seeds and fruits such as grapes, oranges and tangerines will help stop the growth of these
herpes viruses.
Ensuring having a healthy diet, exercising, avoiding excessive alcohol is very essential to keep the
immune system in right shape. A weak immune system will be more susceptible to a fever blister in
general. Some of the topical applications that can help in reducing the symptoms and help in fever
blister treatments are:
- A cold compress with some ice packs can help reduce the tingling itchiness that warns of a
fever blister outbreak.
- One can use coconut oil and lemon balm that can help reduce the cover and protect the fever
blisters as it heals.
- The activated charcoal or clay mud mask is the best when the fever blister starts to ooze. This
will help the healing process become faster.
- Tea tree oil is a naturally antiviral and antiseptic substance. Applying the tea tree oil on a new
breakout will help dry it out and weaken the virus very quickly.
- One can use honey, as it is a natural antiseptic. It also has antimicrobial powers and can help
protect the lesion from outside bacteria making it more worse.
There are many antiviral medications that can be taken for fever blisters. Medications such as
acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir can suppress the herpes virus effectively. These medications
provide the temporary relief and action. Above all these, it is very essential to keep the stress levels of
an individual down and be patient. It would take about 5-7 days time for the fever blister outbreak to
heal and go away. It is very essential to be patient and avoid squeezing or pinching these fever blisters
as that may lead to more infection all over the body.
Fever Blister And Its Remedies
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Alternative Medicine Herbal Remedies : Natural Treatments for Asthma Symptoms
Panacea Black Salve Production (reloaded)
Urinary Tract Infection Herbal and Home Remedies (UTI)
Home Remedies For Itchy Dogs
There are many possible reasons that could be causing your dog to itch so much. Parasites in the skin, skin infections, mange, dry skin, allergies, or your dog may not be getting the proper nutrition they need.
If you suspect that your dog is itching because of a skin infection, or a parasitic infection, here are a couple of herbs that may help with your dog's skin conditions. Whenever my dog is itching, I am always wary to put on store bought itch relievers, as my dog tends to lick the area as well as scratch it. These two herbs are safe to use, and you won't have to worry about your dog getting sick from licking it off.
Calendula, also known as Marigold, is great for skin infections. Thyme is also great for skin infections, and it has natural antiseptic properties that will that will clean out and help to heal your dog's skin issue. Thyme also helps to fight parasitic infections that may be causing your dog to itch so much.
To take advantage of these herbs you can make a strong tea with a calendula or thyme tea bag. Use 2 tea bags for one cup water. When it cools you can either put it in a spray bottle to spray directly onto the problem areas, or you can put the tea into your dog shampoo and use it as a rinse.
If your dog's skin is flaky and appears dry, instead ofusing the herbs above you can try olive oil. Dogs with dry itchy skin may not be getting the essential oils they need to condition their skin. Canned and dry dog food does not give a dog nearly enough of the nutrients they need. If this is the case it is a good idea to put a tablespoon of olive oil in their food.
Olive oil contains healthier fat than corn oil and butter, and it contains no cholesterol. Olive oil is very helpful for the skin and hair, and it helps in digestion. It will help your dog have a shiny coat.
Olive oil can also be applied directly to the skin to further help condition and soothe an itchy dog's skin, just be careful of it rubbing off of them onto other things, such as your couch or the carpet.
Fish oil is also a good choice for giving your dog healthy skin. I give my dog a fish oil capsule once a day, as well as some olive oil in her food. Both olive oil and fish oil will help with dry skin.
If you are looking for at home Remedies, olive oil and fish oil will help your dog have healthier skin and coat, while Calendula and Thyme will help combat skin infections, and skin conditions, all without side affects or the warning of possibly causing any type of harm to your dog.
The author is a full time breeder of Yorkies and Maltipoos, along with several other dog breeds. Author runs and operates Yorkies Galore where there are many cute Yorkshire terriers, Maltese, Maltipoo and other breeds of puppies for sale.
Video Source: Youtube
At Home Remedies For Passing Drug Tests
When you are under the influence of the drug and yet drive the vehicle, it is known as drug driving.
The increase in the number of car accidents is in direct proportion to the increase in the number of persons driving under the influence of drugs. Many persons can handle the drug influence and yet drive. A driver's tolerance to various substances depends upon many factors like past exposure and diet of the day. The effects of the drugs on a person may vary from day to day. The rules in this game are not exact.
But despite your having a tolerance for a drug is not going to help you pass the test. Here is a list of things you can do at home for deteriorating the effect of drugs on you before the test.
Herbal tea is one recommended drink in this context. Not exactly a home remedy but its reported ingredients are all herbs. The product claims to clear up the drug metabolic for a few hours after the intake. Shortly before the test take this tea. Some say, that it will not do anything for the urine test success, but it will dilute your urine. The ingredients make an interesting reading- red clover top, licorice root, dog rose hips, dandelion root, chamomile flower, slippery elm inner bark, natural fruit flowers, hibiscus flower and burdock root.
Your real problem in passing the drug tests is the type of test that you have to undergo. Since it remains as a secret with the drug testing authorities who have many options of tests you can't take any risks. You need to cleanse your whole body. Detoxification of the entire body is required. Only that can take your worry of flunking drug testing. The bounty left within your body could be many things like heavy metals, illicit drugs and nicotine.
Apart from the internal cleansing, you need to have the cleansing of hair follicles. Some of the herbal products in the line assure you of temporary results that last for about 4-6 hours.
The best remedy is to give up all drugs, be on a fruits and vegetable diet over a period. The toxins within your body make the automatic exit, and you will pass the test with the flying colors.
Home remedy for drug test, herbal tea, home remedy for detoxification.
About The Author:
To get more information on home Remedies, basics of home Remedies and home remedies for drug abuse visit
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Eczema Home Remedies for Itch Relief
Eczema is a skin disorder which affects millions worldwide. Those who suffer from eczema can tell you how maddening the itch can be. Many rather endure the pain of having weeping and bleeding skin , than the itch. This condition is worse in children as they cannot help themselves but scratch their skin till it cracks and bleeds. Many have to depend on topical steroids and anti-histamines for relief. There is nothing wrong with this except that over dependance will bring about serious side effects on your body. However, personally I prefer to alternative Remedies for my young son. Here are some of the Remedies for itch relief I find effective. Everyone is different and not all methods works for everyone. You have to give these eczema home remedies a try to know what works best for you. Here are some alternative ways for eczema itch relief you can try:
1. Increase your Vitamin C intake. Many do not realize that Vitamin C is the best form of natural anti-histamine for your body. It can be as simple as taking an extra orange or grapefruit. Going for natural Vitamin C is best. However, if you need to supplement, make sure it is from organic sources. Your body knows the difference between organic and synthetic vitamin C.
2.Taking a baking soda bath is another good way to relieve itch. Add one cup of baking soda to a tub filled with lukewarm water and soak for 30 minutes to an hour. Use a cup to pour the water over any part of the body that isn't submerged. Pat dry and apply moisturizer. African Shea Butter is recommended by many for its skin healing benefits. Use this treatment once or twice a day for as long as itching is a problem.
3.Soaking in colloidal oatmeal bath is another excellent way to relieve the itching. The oatmeal referred here is different from the oatmeal we usually take for our breakfast, rather it is the refined version of the breakfast oatmeal. It is so fine that it acts as a colloid. When it is added to water, it creates a milk-like substance, which gives the water a slimy consistency. When the colloidal oatmeal covers the skin, it actually binds the skin, thus moisturize and protect the skin.
Colloidal oatmeal is easy to prepare at home using a food processor or blender to grind it finely. Make sure it is fine enough as coarser oatmeal will sink to the bottom and does not bind with the water. You can also purchase in any organic health store. A note, though, colloidal oatmeal is not suitable to use it on severely inflamed skin. Otherwise, this is an effective way to ease itchiness.
4.Drink chamomile before you sleep. Chamomile is a good itch relieving option if you aren't allergic to chamomile. I would suggest consuming a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime to help with the night time itching. For one longtime sufferer of eczema, this suggestion brought successful relief. For another, it brought about an allergic reaction. Thus, only use chamomile IF you are not allergic to it.
5.Cold or cold wet compress are effective in providing relief to severe itchiness. The affected part should be wrapped with thick soft cloth. The cloth should be moistened with cold water every 15 to 30 minutes for two hours at a time. The bandage should be left intact to keep the cloth cold.
6.Borage Seed Oil has been used traditionally to treat many skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis, with positive results. It contains very high concentration of gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Borage oil is especially beneficial to eczema as it soothes the skin and reduces inflammation.
Remember to try out the methods to determine which is best for your skin. What works for one does not mean it will work for another. However, many have found these methods effective for itch relief. These methods are only a small part of many others. Please go to my blog, for more great resources on Eczema Home Remedy.
Is Eczema affecting your lifestyle? You deserve to live the life you wanted without using drugs. Audrey Lynn has been researching a more natural alternative to heal her 3-year-old son of eczema. She is sharing her tips and insights with those who are inflicted with eczema and looking for a natural alternative. For great resources on various eczema home remedies, please visit her blog at
Video Source: Youtube
Effective Home Remedies For Curing Alcoholism
People who are high on alcohol are very easy to notice. They have bloodshot eyes and a high pulse rate. Due to alcohol's side effects, they become very emotional and irritable. Apart from these there are other symptoms too. A person on regular consumption of alcohol will have a disturbed sleep and delirium. Besides this, excess drinking damages your liver and stomach. Talking on the extreme side it can also damage the brain cells and also the heart.
Alcoholism is more of a social disease than an individual one. So it becomes our mutual responsibility as a society to accept alcoholists and bring awareness to them. To cater this, apart from various physiological treatments, numerous effective home Remedies are also available to mankind. Such home Remedies are very simple and easy to follow. They are:
1.Grapes: It is one of the most effective home remedy for curing alcoholism. Grapes have in them the purest form of alcohol making agent and it is an ideal substitute for alcoholics. Therefore intake of grapes, can effectively reduce the alcoholism.
2.Bitter Gourd: The leaves of bitter gourd produces a kind of juice which is a good medicine to cure the intoxicating effects produced by alcohol. It also helps to repair the damaged cells and tissues of the liver. It is advisable to take three teaspoons of bitter gourd juice mixed with butter milk every morning, to get the desired effects.
3.Apples: As the age old saying goes, "an apple a day, keeps the doctor away". Yes! apples prove to be a very effective remedy for curing alcoholism. They help by removing the intoxicated elements produced by alcohol consumption and also reduces the urge of taking alcohol frequently.
4.Celery: The juice produced from celery has a sobering effect on an alcoholists and thus proves to be a good home remedy. It is advisable to take it daily with water for a month to produce the desired effects.
5.Dates: They are considered one of the most beneficial home treatments to cure alcoholism. Rubbed dates in water should be consumed by people with such a disorder.
A general prevention and cure for any disease is a proper diet. The same holds true with the disorder of alcoholism too. To recover from this disorder, it is advisable to build up the integrity of the type of diet and nutrition intake. You should inculcate lots of juices in your diet. Juices considerably reduce your urge to consume alcohol. Apart from this physical exercising also helps. Optimal diet including all the vital nutrients is also essential. The diet chart can consist of vegetables, cereals, nuts, sprouts, whole grains, to name a few. Besides this, there are certain foods that you should avoid eating. They are white flour, meat, sugar, various strong condiments.
Apart from them, there are several other suggestions and herbal treatments to cure alcoholism. Of them the willingness of a person to quit drinking is very crucial. Smoking should also be avoided as it increases your desire to consume alcohol.
About The Author:
To get more information on home remedies, home remedies for alcohol abuse and home remedies for other problems visit
Gastritis - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Gastritis - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Saturday, March 2, 2013
An Herbal Remedy for Hemorrhoids That Spells Relief
An herbal remedy for hemorrhoids makes all the sense in the world.
Hemorrhoids are a very stabbing condition that inflates the veins of the anus and rectum. I wish I had an herbal remedy for hemorrhoids when I had an itching, intense burning pain and bleeding.
It is also necessary to address the consideration of the occupational disease. No sense taking any herbal remedy for hemorrhoids if you are not going to pursue the causes of this disease as well.
The most detrimental cases for the disease are constipation and straining when you defecate. A poor intake of dietary fiber is often a major culprit that increases the risk of development of hemorrhoids. Some rampant factors that can contribute to hemorrhoids involve sitting or standing for extended times, lifting huge objects, dehydration, obesity and lack of exercise.
Isn't it interesting that no animal other than human beings has ever be known to exhibit hemorrhoids. This can be seen as a major indication that something is misguided with our diets and improving the diet can relieve this condition dramatically, however an herbal remedy for hemorrhoids can often provide immediate relief as well as being effective for the long term treatment of this very stabbing occurrence.
An herbal remedy for hemorrhoids can relieve the pain fast... Whether taken internally or applied externally.
An Herbal remedy for hemorrhoids list..
Aloe Vera gel - the fresh pulp can be applied directly on the anus to provide pain relief and alleviate any burning sensations.
This herbal remedy for hemorrhoids has been used throughout history. Butcher's Broom - Has treated hemorrhoids and varicose veins. When looking for preparations of Butcher's Broom, try to find those that include a small number of 9-11% of ruscogenin content, which is the active ingredient. 100 mg should be taken three times daily.
Pilewort - Piles are another name for hemorrhoids and this herb was named for its capability for this ailment. It sends a message to the blood vessels and curtails the bleeding. Pilewort may be taken internally as a tea or alcohol-based tincture and it can also be applied externally as an ointment. This herbal remedy for hemorrhoids has worked wonders.
Pine Bark and Grape Seed - these plant extracts have proanthocyanins and anthocyanins which are substances that improve the structural integrity of the veins and in fact the entire circulatory system. It is also possible to obtain these extracts by increasing consumption of blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and cherries.
Witch hazel - this herb aid in stopping the bleeding and inflation associated with hemorrhoids. It is applied externally as an ointment, or the liquid can be applied openly to the area with a sterile cotton pad. Use three times daily until relief is present.
Fiber - a low fiber diet increases the risk of straining during bowel movements and increasing fiber intake may actually be a very competent simple measure that can improve hemorrhoids. Increasing fruit and vegetable intake is a must, however there are also a wide variety of fiber supplements available, such as those containing Psyllium husk or Slippery Elm Bark that can soften the stools and reduce straining.
It is very important to ensure that water intake is increased when taking fiber supplements.
An herbal remedy for hemorrhoids can greatly assist in reducing the problem. However in very dangerous cases surgical treatment may be necessary. In such instances the herbal remedy for hemorrhoids can be used post operatively as a safety precaution.
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A Natural Gout Home Remedy: The Simple Gout Prevention Diet
Did you know that gout is more serious than its symptoms? Heat, pain, redness, stiffness, swelling on affected area, arthritis symptoms, and loss of sleep are all symptoms of gout.
However, did you know that gout can be a life-threatening disease if left untreated? Gout can also cause the 'silent killer' disease of high blood pressure and the painful disease of kidney stones. Simply baring the agony should NEVER be an option for gout. Your life could be at stake!
Fortunately, you can treat gout naturally without even making a $100 trip to the hospital. How? A great starting point is to change your diet with some simple tips to keep you gout free!
A Simple Gout Prevention Diet
1. Mooo! You need to immediately starting consuming more LOW-FAT dairy products.
2. Purines are BAD! Avoid foods with high purines (When purines break down in body they form uric acid which causes gout.) Typical high purine foods include: red meats, kidneys, liver, tripe and tongue. Fish have also been linked to causing gout!
3. Don't eat those veggies! What? Well, some vegetable are high in purines (uric acid) and therefore should not be touched: beans, lentils, asparagus, mushrooms, spinach and peas.
4. Water is better than Alcohol! Again, What? You should try to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day and watch the alcohol consumption. If you do decide to drink alcohol, no more than one drink a night!
5. Pass the Fruit! Fruits are high in Vitamin C which is great to prevent gout! You might also want to consider 'gout-fighting' Vitamin C supplements!
6. Cut some calories! Did you know that Americans generally eat twice the amount that is needed during a typical day? Look around you and see how overweight we have become and more prone to gout. Cutting 50 calories a meal will add up to around 15-20 pounds a year! So switch to diet soda, watch the condiments, easy on the chocolate, and you know the rest! With time, gout symptoms will become less and less.
7. Go for a walk! Being overweight can lead to higher levels of uric acid in your blood (cause of gout). Go for a walk each night or join a fitness club. Start out slow and have fun!
8. Weight Train! It is easier than you think! If you join a health club, you will see how easy it is to learn how to lift some weights. Simply, look at the posters on the wall and give it a try! Everybody had to learn sometime or another so do not be embarrassed! Besides, if you choose to lift some weights, you will most likely burn more calories than walking/running because of the body repairing your muscles throughout the whole day! A hard body is a gout-free body!
But Wait, There's More
Congratulations! You have just saved yourself $100 and have learned how to begin treating gout yourself! In fact, gout is a disease that you can control naturally by simply choosing the right foods, exercising, and even choosing the right herbs/fruits/food when a gout attack arises! That is right! There is a natural gout remedy for gout attacks that works in minutes. Learn about more gout prevention tips on our Cure Your Gout Website and see how thousands of people have saved hundreds of dollars and treated their gout!
You can find additional info at the following links:
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