Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gray Hair Causes and Natural Remedies for Premature Graying of Hair

The hair has a tendency to lose its natural colour with advancing age and turn grey, but premature greying is a morbid condition and it makes even the young look older. The hair is an appendage of the skin. It is composed of the same kinds of cells as are found in the outer layer of the skin, which is known as the epidermis. Hair grows from hair follicles which are deep recesses in the epidermis. The sebaceous glands of the scalp secrete an oily substance called sebum, which is the source of nutrition, lustre, and blackness of the hair. The hair cannot be fed externally, for such nourishment, as the scalp requires, must come to it from the bloodstream.

Causes for Premature Greying

The premature greying may be due to following reasons:

1. Excessive prolonged stress, anxiety and tension.

2. Sever illness like typhoid too can start greying of hair.

3. Excessive intake of tea, coffee and alcohol.

4. Excessive intake of fried and oily foods.

5. Excessive intake of spices.

6. Excessive intake of sour and acidic foods.

7. Deficiency of nutritients specially copper can reduce the production of melanin.

Home Remedies for Gray Hair

1. Diet is of utmost importance in the prevention and treatment of graying.

2. Have a diet rich in vitamin B. incorporate lots of wheat, oats, green leafy vegetables, nuts and fruits.

3. ½ - 1 liter of yoghurt per day is an excellent remedy.

4. Milk with 2spoons of wheat germ also gives satisfying results.

5. Foods rich in iodine - fish, carrots, and bananas are highly recommended as they maintain the health of the hair.

6. Supplementing your diet with multivitamin and multimineral capsules is also advisable.

7. Make curry leaves (raw) a part of your daily diet. They add to the health of the hair and revitalize the roots.

8. Massaging the scalp with Gooseberry juice and lime juice and leaving it overnight gives desired results.

9. Keep your hair and scalp clean. Wash hair at least 4 times in a week. Scalp hygiene will go a long way in determining the health of your hair.

10. Lastly, avoid artificial hair dyes. They do more harm than good.

11. Eat protein rich foods. Proteins - Sources: sprouted whole grains, cereals, meat and soy in your diet.

12. Eat foods rich in iodine such as banana, carrots and fish.

13. Drink butter milk with a 2 teaspoons each of yeast and wheat germ will prevent and cure premature greying of hair.

14. Grate some fresh ginger. Mix with honey and place it in a jar. Eat 1 teaspoon everyday.

15. Massage your hairs with coconut oil and lemon juice everyday.

16. Boil some dried ribbed gourd (i)torai in coconut oil till it turns black. Massage this oil in scalp and hair roots should be massaged into the scalp.

17. Mix 1 tablespoon of table salt to a cup of strong black tea without milk. Massage this water on the scalp. Wash your hair after an hour.

18. Boil some curry leaves in coconut oil and apply in scalp and hair roots.

19. Make a paste of 2 tspn henna powder, 1 tspn yogurt, 1 tsp fenugreek (methi seed powder, 3 tspn coffee, 2 tspn basil juice and 3 tspn mint juice and apply to the hair. Wash hair with shampoo after 3 hours.

20. Massage your scalp and hair with butter made from cow milk twice a week.

You may be interested in reading Prevention from Gray Hair and Gray Hair Management. Also visit more on Natural Remedies for Baldness


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